Does your website pass the (surprisingly hot) caveman's "grunt test"?
When someone finds your website, you have 5 seconds to grab their attention or they'll bounce straight back off and go to another HR consultant's website.
No one wants that.
But what actually grabs their attention?
Psychologically, you must answer these 4 questions:
- Who is this for
- What do you do
- How will it make my life better / why should I care?
- What should I do next?
So in simple terms, a caveman should be able to look at your hero banner (this is the bit at the top of your website) and go "Me caveman, you sell HR, me won't get sued, me need to call you".
There's a bit more to it based on what type of work you want and who you're targeting, but you get the idea.
This is a nice little marketing activity for you to work on.
And if you're a member of the HR Marketing Box, I'll be talking you through how to do this properly in next week's marketing challenge - these are small marketing activities that you can do that make a big difference.
If you'd like to learn more about the HR Marketing Box, then please get in touch.